Monday, June 14, 2010

New Doggie Sister?

This is crazy! How could my humans do this to me?! They're actually CONSIDERING getting me a new sister! A DOG sister! A corgi, actually. She is a five-year old girl who needs adopting. You can see her for yourself, here; She's kinda sweet-looking... But imagine!! Me with a DOG in MY house! It's totally outrageous, don't you think?

~Sam the Frustrated


  1. Sammy, we checked Gracie out and she seems ok, but her ad said she is better as an only dog and there is no mention of cats...It also said she wasn't too playful, so maybe she will just leave you alone or you guys could always just hang out together and become friends...It might be pretty great to have a woofie friend!!...Just be open to whatever comes your way, Sammy and good luck sweetie!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  2. Hi Sammy I saw you on another blog so I wanted to stop by to say hi and offer my sincere condolences after reading you will probably no longer be the reigning Diva of the house. Mom and Dad know a very nice Corgi named could be that this puppy will be so glad to have a good home he will understand who the top cat is. Mom has mentioned a Dachshund once or twice but thus far nothing.
    Madi and Mom

  3. Sorry Sammy I should have read your profile first...I see you are a handsome man I guess Diva doesn't apply...Madi

  4. Haha, that's okay. :) I will have to see about this ... DOG thing. My humans are very excited abou the idea, but me? Not so much. Though I know very little about the whole thing...
