Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Random Cat Fact #1

Cats do not see all the colors you humans do. The world around us we see in different shades of grey, black and white. What colors can we see? Shades of blue, purple, and green! As you can see, my blog is green, and I can see it, too! ;D Also, I sleep in a green chair, and green bean-bag chairs. The couch downstairs is green, and all the walls in my human-editor's room are green! It's like the whole house is cat-oriented or something!


  1. That is interesting - I knew cats didn't see all colors but didn't realize which ones they could see. It makes sense that your blog is green - that way you can see what it has!!

  2. Yeah! But some of my fish look grey. I should change that! :)

  3. Sammy, thanks for visiting our blog and coming to Sukki's birthday party!...Interesting facts about the colors=Mom knew we could see some colors, but wasn't sure which ones!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
